Build w/

For plasterers

dla tynkarzyThe clayplaster can be left unfinished on the wall for unlimited time after dampening the working layer one can go back to application again The tools left at the workplace should be just soaked  in the water the next day. Similarly, a hose  passing the clay does not have to  be cleaned every day, we should just leave sthe pray tip in water.

License / Training
We sconduct individual training sessions for enterprises  directly on site. Our expert introduces a team of plasterers to the secrets of clay plastering step by step. We  conduct group trainings in our factory. We will publish the date of the next course at the beginning of the year. The attendees receive  licenses of Cellumit technology plasterers.

Machines and equipment
Plastering enterprises can buy machinery and equipment necessary for clay plastering from us.
The machines we propose are simpler than the popular G4 and are very durable in operation.

© All rights reserved CELLUMIT
Design by: Goweb Studio
Quick contact    phone: 602 196 779, e-mail: